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May 2016

Found 2 blog entries for May 2016.

The world was a different place in 1949. The United States had emerged from World War II in jubilant victory a mere four years’ prior, and post-war production and employment were at extraordinarily high levels. The country lead the world in manufacturing, and land was cheap, plentiful and productive---especially in the rural south. Logging camps were sprouting up as Southern timber operations sought to acquire large tracts of virgin pine forest, for lumber was needed to truss the increasing housing demands and fuel the growth of our nation.

It was that year that a 20-year old visionary, Charles Fraser, not yet graduated from University of Georgia, was working in a logging camp set up on Calibogue Cay, an island unto itself---literally, its legal name

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Pound out a Google search for buying a resort property on Hilton Head Island and you’ll be presented with a number of canned tips on how to decide if that’s the right move for you. The articles offer generic advice for a generic buyer seeking a generic property in a generic locale. Likely included in the four or five bulleted paragraphs will be advice on affordability, stuffer content that reminds you to put a little bit more into your piggy bank each week. The vast majority of these articles are generated as filler with links to lenders and are so non-specific that you come away with more questions than answers, not to mention just a little insulted.

The good news? If you are reading this, you are beyond that point. I know it and you know it. You

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